Welcome to our new website

By Sharon Jackson 9 years agoNo Comments
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Jackson Recruitment Services was founded in 1989. I am often asked if it’s difficult to keep up with all the change and development that occurs in the industry. The honest answer is that I have always learnt to adapt – I jumped on the bandwagon when LinkedIn became a tool for recruitment and parted with my original recruitment database when I was told that ‘the cloud’ was the future. As long as I have some guarantee that new technology is reliable, I have no problem utilising it to further the quality of service I am able to deliver. I do concede however, that I believe there’s an element of practicality and security that accompanies some older pieces of technology.

While I can often see the benefits of adapting to industry changes, my colleague Rachel assures me I’m not alone in my slight mistrust of new technology. Just the other week she was telling me that her dad refuses to upgrade to a smart phone, taking immense pride in telling people that he has a ‘dumb’ phone – a joke Rachel says she has heard him make too many times. Apparently his strongest argument in favour of his $30 Target phone is that it is reliable – the screen doesn’t break if he accidentally drops it, the home button doesn’t sporadically decide to stop working, and the in-built GPS never leads him astray. While it’s easy to laugh at his seemingly backward preferences, that’s exactly how we at Jackson Recruitment Services felt about our old website. Our old website was nothing flash to look at but it seemed to contain everything we needed. We told ourselves that while it may not have been elegant, it was practical and practicality is what really matters.

Well, it’s been a long time coming but we have finally given our website the makeover it deserved. Our eyes have been opened to the wonders of blogging and we would love for you to come on the journey with us. Please check out are new and improved website and follow our blog at http://www.jacksonrecruitment.com.au/.

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 Sharon Jackson

  (4 articles)

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